Bismillahir Rahmanir RahimAssalamu Alaikum, dear brothers, sisters and friends. Known as the book written by Muhammad ibn Ibrahim al-Hamad, "The Cause of Disobedience to Parents, Some Outward Images and Ways of Remedy." In fact, benevolence towards parents is one of the things that is recognized by healthy and pure nature, about which the divine law is united; And that is the character of the prophets and the nature of the righteous. As such, it is an excellent document and proof of the truth of faith, the greatness of the person and the fulfillment of ones duties properly. And being kind to ones parents is one of the great beauties of Islamic law; It is the recognition of grace, the preservation of dignity, the proof of the perfection of the Shariah, and the inclusion of all kinds of rights. All the pages of this book are highlighted in this app. I published the whole book for free for the Muslim brothers who could not afford it.Hope you will encourage us with your valuable comments and ratings.